Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliated Disclosure

With regard to the use of Proofs and Testimonials in advertising, the purpose of this document is to establish any type of compensatory relationship with a lot of companies whose products are being promoted on this website. This site contains links to websites and information created and maintained by other people and organizations. The writer does not control or guarantee the accuracy, integrity, relevance and timeliness of any information or privacy policy pages published on those linked sites.

You must assume that all references to products and services on this website are created because there is a material connection between the author and also the suppliers of the aforementioned products and services (“Supplier”). You should also assume that all hyperlinks on this site are affiliate links, either to (a) the writer or (b) to someone who is a joint venture partner for the services and products mentioned (individually and collectively, the “affiliate”). “).

The Affiliate recommends services and products on this site in part for the good faith belief that the purchase of such products or services will help readers in general. The affiliate has a good faith belief that (a) the affiliate has tested the aforementioned product or service before recommending it or (b) the affiliate has researched the reputation of the Provider and has made the decision to recommend services or products of the provider on the base of the good reputation of the supplier for the provision of these or another product or service. The statements made by the affiliate about services and products reflect the candid opinion of the affiliate based on the reality known by the affiliate at that time that the information was sent to this site by the Affiliate.

Because there is a material connection between the affiliate and the providers of products or services mentioned on this site, it is best to assume that the affiliate may be biased due to the affiliation relationship with a Provider and / or because the member has brought or It will have something of value from the provider.

Carry out your own diligence before investing in a product or service mentioned on this site.

It is important to keep in mind that this site, together with the stories, testimonies and images represented above are to be used as an illustrative example of what some individuals have achieved with this / these products. Also keep in mind the fact that the results may vary from person to person and it is not guaranteed in any way that the same results are achieved.

The product / products published on this website are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. An advice from a doctor should be sought before using any type of supplemental dietary product. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of your physician or other health professional or any information contained on or on any product label or packaging. If there is a change in your health status, please stop using the product and immediately consult your healthcare professional.

The type of compensation received by the member may vary. Sometimes, the affiliate may receive complementary products, services or money from the provider before mentioning the products or services of the Provider of this site.

In addition, the affiliate can obtain a monetary or non-monetary commission each time they take action by clicking on a link on this website. This includes, but is not limited to, each time you purchase a product or service from the provider after accessing an affiliate link on this website.